Studio Policies
Tuition & Payments
Tuition is due on the first day of the month. A payment can be made online by credit card or debit card or paid at the front desk by check or cash. Auto Pay is required to enroll in classes. We don’t require that form of payment be used each month if you would prefer check or cash. If a family wishes to drop a class, this must be submitted in writing to the office (info@thevaultdancespace.com) and this will go into effect the first day of the following month. We do not adjust tuition in the middle of the month.
Late Fees
To avoid a late fee, tuition must be paid in full by the 5th of each month. If no payment is received on the 1st, we will run the card on file on the 5th. If you prefer to pay cash or check, please come in before the 5th. If using a credit card for payment a 3% plus $.30 transaction fee will be added. Once cards are run there are no refunds.
After the 5th of the month, payments are considered late and a $10.00 late fee will be added to your account. All tuition must be paid within the month it is due for a dancer to remain enrolled in class.
Every student must have a $0 balance to participate in the showcase.
Statements will be emailed for overdue accounts only or by request.
There will be a $30 charge for all checks returned from your bank.
Payment methods include: Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discovery, debit card, cash, check and online payments (debit or credit cards). All checks should be made payable to The Vault Dance Space. Please put the student’s first and last name and what you are paying for on the check.
Registration & Recital Fee (NON REFUNDABLE)
A registration fee of $35.00 per dancer will be due at time of registration. Recital and recital costume fees are due on January 15th.
½ August Tuition
Classes will begin August 21! We charge 1/2 of the normal tuition rate for August as dancers will have 2 weeks of class to kick off the year. We highly recommend you sign up for any classes your dancer might be interested in for August as several classes will fill up quickly!
Attendance & Absences
No refunds or deductions are given for missed classes. Please make sure students are on time for all classes. Good attendance and being on time is very important for your child to progress.
In the event of severe weather, it may become necessary to cancel classes for a partial or full day. In general, if Jenks schools close due to inclement weather, the studio will most likely be closed. You may check your email, our website, Facebook page or Instagram. Refunds are not given if class is canceled and classes won’t be made up.
Communication & Updates
Please check Facebook, Instagram and your emails for current information, updates, changes and payment due dates. You can also call the office staff during our regular dance season from 3:30PM to 8PM, Monday - Thursday or email at any time. Staff will also respond to emails during off hours. Summer hours are TBD.
Dress Code
Proper dance attire is important and will be strictly enforced. Students will not be allowed to participate in class unless dressed properly. See the dress code page under the class information tab for attire requirements for individual classes.
Photo Release
The Vault Dance Space is hereby granted permission to take a photographs/videos of the student to use for any advertising material including the website. Permission is also hereby granted for TVDS to copyright such photographs/videos in its name. In the event that you don’t want your student to be photographed or videoed, there is an option on the parent portal to opt out.