Class Schedule

Classes with * will be participating in recital!

Studio 1

5:15PM - 6:00PM- Contemporary/Jazz 3/4/5*

6:00PM - 6:45PM- Beginner Ballet/Tap/Jazz *

7:30PM - 8:15PM- Pom Tech Intermediate/Advanced


Studio 3

4:30PM - 5:15PM- Ballet 3/4/5*

Studio 2

5:15PM - 6:00PM- Intro To Tumbling*

6:00PM - 6:45PM- Strength & Conditioning 3/4/5

6:45PM - 7:30PM- Acro 3/4/5*

Studio 3

5:00PM - 5:45PM- Jazz/Contemporary 1/2*

Studio 1

4:15PM - 5:00PM- Ballet 1/2*

5:45PM - 6:30PM- Leaps & Turns 3/4/5

6:30PM - 7:15PM- Hip Hop 3/4/5*

7:15PM - 8:00PM- Hip Hop 1/2*


Studio 2

5:45PM - 6:30PM- Strength & Conditioning 1/2

6:30PM - 7:15PM- Acro 1/2*

Studio 1

4:15PM - 4:45PM- Company Rehearsals

4:45PM - 5:15PM- Company Rehearsals

5:15PM - 5:45PM- Company Rehearsals

5:45PM - 6:15PM- Company Rehearsals

6:15PM - 6:45PM- Company Rehearsals

6:45PM - 7:15PM- Company Rehearsals

7:15PM - 7:45PM - Company Rehearsals

7:45PM - 8:15PM - Company Rehearsals


Studio 3

5:15PM - 5:45PM - Tap 3/4/5*

5:45PM - 6:30PM - Leaps & Turns 1/2

6:30PM - 7:15PM - Pom Tech Novice/Intermediate

All levels will need to be approved by The Vault Dance Space staff prior to enrolling in classes. If you are new to TVDS, please contact us via phone or email so we can discuss placement for them to the best of our ability based on skill set and age . We understand that sometimes it might be more convenient to place your student in another level due to time or friends in another class, but getting your student into the right level based on their skill set will set your dancer up for the best success! Our staff will periodically evaluate the class and if they feel a student isn’t placed properly we will reach out to you to discuss options for a change.